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So I’ve been asked quite a few times by people, why I don’t film my classes or personal training sessions. I specialize in a number of areas in the health and fitness industry such as Primal Flow body weight training and Metaoblic Effect for hormonal balance to lose belly fat.

Being the only studio on the island to offer these specialties, a lot of people do not know exactly what they are, so for that reason they expect me to get the word out there by uploading some short videos or live streams on social media mostly only Facebook and Instagram of me training my clients.

I know plenty of other trainers who are constantly filming and showcasing their classes and/or workouts with clients, and I am not saying this is completely wrong for doing so, as each trainer works differently and does what they think is best for them and their business. However for myself and for business, the number of reasons I do not do this myself is because…….

  • Firstly and above all, I respect my client’s privacy. Believe it or not a lot of them do not wish to show case to everyone what they are doing in their free time, neither show where they are or what they are doing, especially on social media where the number of views is out of their hands. They can be private people or else do not want people asking questions or looking at them badly every time they grab a glass of wine or have a piece of cake because ‘’According to that Facebook post, aren’t you supposed to be trying to lose weight?!’’

  • So many of my clients struggle with confidence in themselves, especially at the beginning! Sure it’s easy for us trainer to get in front of a camera, because now we have a great toned body to flaunt and we have the confidence. But has the trainer every stopped to put themselves in the clients shoes? Some of my clients do not even want to look at themselves in the mirror when they train, let alone be filmed for all on social media to see!

  • I feel that the client is paying me for my time and my attention should be fully on them and them alone. So my mobile should be out of my hands not busy loading up, recording and posting with maybe some typo and a filter to make it look even better. When my mobile is in my hands, then my attention on them is also a lot less. I am not focusing on their posture and technique as much as I should, so one bad move and an injury can occur.

  • I am actually more than happy with the number of clients I have, so I do not feel the need to rely on my Facebook or Instagram views and likes for business. I prefer the old fashion way, where my clients do the advertising for me via word of mouth. They are getting the results and feeling great so they are the ones that are going to be talking about me to others so it’s a win-win for both of us!

I would be lying if I said I have never filmed anything……..however maybe twice a year I will hold a class where the clients are all advised beforehand that I might take a few snaps during the session or film for a few seconds to use it for promotional purposes. That way those clients who are not comfortable in doing this, might decide not to come in that day and those that do come are aware of the process that session and why my mobile is in my hand that day. As a thank you for helping me with a little promotion, I offer them the class for free.

When it comes to Personal Training, I have a small few handful of clients who need to update their own social media either for promotional purposes or just to keep up to date with the online social media trend of posting what you are doing. They ask me themselves to film for them. I do so at their request. I think it’s great for them to show others a new move which they just nailed that day or a new achievement! It helps keep them motivated and on track. I ask them to tag my business in it while they are at it or else to send me the clip to use if I can on my own social media platform, which they are more than happy to do so. So again it is as their own request. That is why you will most likely see my workout video posts on social media with the same clients!

There is no right or wrong here, each trainer will work in the way that he/she sees fits best. Clients are also attracted to what they see is the best fit for them as well. Some might love and some might hate it.

Genuine equality means not treating everyone the same, but attending equally to everyone's different needs – Terry Eagleton.


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