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"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going."

Cheating to get ahead might get you the grade or promotion, but in the long run it really sets you back. Intelligence, creativity, hard work, and solid character--the things that propel you forward--are not fostered by taking the easy way out. You don't earn anything by short-cutting your work. You're only cutting your potential short.

Sure you might feel relieved that a stressful task has passed, but an undeserving sense of relief doesn't compare to the gratification of knowing that you completed your own work. If something in your life is difficult, meet it head on and earn the satisfaction of earning a job well done--with honesty and integrity.

The same applies in the weight loss world. If you’re looking for quick fixes or crash diets to help you lose weight fast, then you are only setting yourself up for failure and putting your body through a large ordeal, which causes more damage to your body, metabolism, hormones and can prevent your body from working at optimum level. The faster the weight comes off, the easier it is for it to come back on again once your crash diet or quick fix is over (as it is highly likely that these are very hard to sustain for a long time) and it is very likely that you end up putting on more weight than when you first started.

Also the yo-yo weight loss process can play havoc to your metabolism, thus you are just slowing it down which is bad news in the long term, as we want to keep it running at a faster rate to burn more calories even while we are not doing any exercise.

So be careful with those magic potions, pills or trainers who claim they are experts and will deliver you results in an extremely quick short amount of time. Look deeper into their background before you put your body through that and make sure they can delivery results that are realistic and will set you up for long term health and wellness success!


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