REST & RECOVERY to SEE RESULTS!! Are you getting your R&R in?
I always talk about keeping your cortisol (stress hormone) levels down, as this type of hormone stores body fat instead of burning it!
For RESULTS, your hormones need to be in check & balanced also! So just as a good hard workout and training is important, so is your REST & RECOVERY. Here are some R&R workouts for you to do regularly :)
So now you are likely wondering what counts as an R&R workout? I am going to list some of the absolute best.
These activities have unique effects on lowering stress hormones and raising rest and relaxation chemicals and or body repair hormones.
They include:
Massage (including stretching and self massage like foam rolling)
Hot baths (especially when you add magnesium in the form of epsom salts)
Contrast hydrotherapy (alternating hot and cold water)
Sauna therapy
LaughterYoga (only the relaxing and restorative kind)
Tai Chi
Time with pets (as long as they are not stressing you out)
Cuddling & all forms of physical affection
Relaxing music & sounds (classical, spa music & nature sounds)
Spa treatments (manicures, pedicures, etc)
Slow walking (especially in nature settings)
Sitting in nature
Reading and creative pursuits (painting, drawing, writing, etc)
Herbal tea time Naps (amazing for restoration)
Progressive muscle relaxation (tensing and relaxing each muscle in sequence)
So you get the point right? The point is, that this needs to become your new religion.
Instead of thinking you need to spend longer on the treadmill or get back to the gym, if you have been stuck, then you need to be thinking “add one more R&R workout in!!”
If you want professional help, and further guidance to helping you understand your body, your hormones and losing weight then feel free to drop me an email so I can guide you and let you know what programs & systems I offer that would be perfect for you. Otherwise check out my list of Hormonal Balance services here