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Period Cramps? Here are a few remedies to help......

We all dread that time of the month, when our period comes along, as it can effect our daily routine and schedule with a number of symptoms but bad CRAMPING is one that makes us curl up with our hot water bottle into a ball on the sofa or in our bed and as women we are expected to ''just handle it'' or ''it is just part of being a woman.''

Now a little cramping is very normal, but severe pain and cramping is something you need to work on.

Here are a few reasons behind the severe cramping:

  • Estrogen Dominance or High Estrogen Levels

  • Stress

  • Inflammation

  • Deficiencies in certain nutrients

  • Prostaglandins - This is a process where foreign substances that the body releases around menstruation, causes the muscles and blood vessels of the uterus to contract to shed the lining. So this process falls in pain and inflammation. This is normal and we might feel these a little ( you might notice a looser stool or more frequent trips to the toilet as some of these even end up in our intestines which cause bowel movements). But very high levels can mean severs pain and cramping.

So stop and think, what do we normally do when severe pain and cramping happen? We pop some medication and rest or try and get on with our non productive day ahead! Now long term use of medication will eventually effect your GUT HEALTH! Gut health is very important for hormonal balance so that means that poor gut health just adds to your own health issues and hormonal imbalances.

So we want to STOP MASKING THE PROBLEM and try and get down to the root cause of the issues. Fixing these issues I mentioned above is what will get you to the best place to avoid more suffering, pain and more hormonal issues down the line.

Feel free to check out my 8 week HORMONAL REBOOT PROGRAM HERE or go watch my

IN SYNC WITH YOUR CYCLE MASTERCLASS HERE to help you understand your body's signs and signals, get down to the root problem and the steps to take to achieve hormonal balance and live a happier, healthier and more confident lifestyle. You can learn how to understand your cycle to be able to perform, eat, approach skin care & exercise the right way through each phase of a woman's monthly cycle.

You can optimize your workflow and personal life in accordance with your cycle!

So let's keep in mind that these remedies only fix or help the problem on the day, but we want to think more long term pain free periods in the long run and that is where my programs come in to help.

  1. MAGNESIUM - this supplement is calming and relaxing mineral which helps loosen tight muscles, prevent headaches and reduce anxiety, stress and also helps with depression. There is more of us that are deficient in this mineral in fact too!

  2. VITAMIN B6 - this helps with energy levels.

  3. OMEGA 3 - these help as an anti-inflammatory

  4. EPSON SALT BATHS - these help you relax, ease the tension in the body and reduce toxins.

  5. TURMERIC - is another great anti-inflammatory we can use in our lattes, soups or sauces.

  6. GINGER TEA - another anti-inflammatory

  7. MEALS - Eat smaller, more-frequent meals to reduce bloating and the sensation of fullness. Limit salt and salty foods to reduce bloating and fluid retention. Choose foods high in complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choose foods rich in calcium.

  8. REDUCE STRESS - incorporate stress reducing activities and take extra time for self care. Also be mindful of dietary stress such as eating too much, too little, no carbs or other extreme diets

  9. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS - through your products, air and water quality around you.

  10. MODERATE MOVEMENT - Move your body in a slow gentle way through a short walk, a gentle flow, stretch or short yoga or rest based low impact workout. We do not want to do anything too intense during this time as this only adds more metabolic stress to our body but staying stagnant is not good either. So with moderate movement you get those feel good endorphins working for you.

  11. AVOID - caffeine and alcohol and these increase inflammation.


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