Apart from the presents, cakes and warm wishes we receive, as we get older, Birthdays have a way of making you stop and think about your life and gain a little perspective. So as I close the 30 year mark and move on to 31, I have come to learn quite a few things........
We all go throught our own challenges, sometimes seemingly small and others that feel like a storm came in and brought a flood with it! These challenges can be with things, with our own life goals, with people, relationships and sometimes with our own selves!
I am REVOLVING! I no longer am going through something because I am ready to GROW through it! Perpesctive is everything! When you face challenges, rather than seeing the world as being against you, LIVE as if it is conspiring to make you BETTER!
Hitting 31, I too am learning this through my own obstacles and challenges, loss of friends, the making of new ones, end of relatiohsips, and beginning of others. But I know each obstacle has or had a purpose - this one to make you stronger, that one to make you more patient, this one to open your eyes, that one to help you make a better choice. We don't see the lesson at first, we only see it at the end! So keep revolving and thank each one for teaching you the lesson and to persist and try to keep positive (easier said than done right?) until you can see your way through the barriers and possibilities beyond!
You will only GROW by getting through it! Everything is seen through our own eyes and how we chose to experience it, is our own. Life is going to give you tough and hard up hills and easy down hills. Everyone looks forward to the downhills - and rightfully so. There is no better place to open your stride and enjoy that easy pace. But if you want to find out who you really are - lean into those uphills. That is the only place you will rise above your own expectations, reveal your true strength and earn your pride! I've learnt to keep in mind that some things take time, so I need to stay patient and stay positive as things will get better. I am my own heroine, YOU are your own heroine! When you finally get to the top of that uphill, you'll know that every inch of the climb was worth it! You can enjoy the view being a FIERCER, STRONGER, BETTER YOU!