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Goal Blockers

Have you ever tried to catch a ball, only to get blocked by someone?

You can’t help but feel disappointed because you nearly reached your goal to catch the ball, but you didn’t.

People face blocks all the time. It’s a part of life.

You are prob reading this because you have a goal to lose weight, get fitter & improve your hormonal balance.

Today, I wanted to talk about the 3 biggest blocks you will face when it comes to getting to achieving those goals.

This will save you a ton of time and heartache when it comes to getting to hitting those goals we mentioned above so that you can get to a stronger, fitter and healthier you in the fastest, most efficient way possible.


The first block you will face in the future is when it comes to managing your time. This is one of the biggest blocks I hear people talk about.

You will face this block when you already feel busy and some weeks overwhelmed with your schedule. Keeping up with the long hours at work, the kids or family/socializing, so just where are you going to fit in the time to get moving in your diary?

The fastest way to get around this block is to first remember you do not need long hours of training to get your exercise and movement in. Start by scheduling in 2 times a week. This time slot can be anywhere between 10 – 20 min and eventually bring it up to 30 mins. That is just 1 hour in total for a whole week, and already your body will begin to reap the benefits. Need some inspiration to get moving, join me in one of my 30 mins classes held in studio or online or access on-demand in your own schedule OR check out my FREE Workout Library on my website with short but effective (even without any equipment) 10-20 mins workouts here


The second block you will face in the future is lack of motivation. Motivation can be tricky for all of us at some point or other, we are only human after all.

You will face this block when you would prefer to skip that workout, sleep in, feel too tired to get moving, you are on your monthly cycle or accept that social invite instead of going to a class. (Let’s keep in mind that during the times we are unwell & sick, it would be a good idea to lay low on the training sessions).

The fastest way to get around this block is to remember we never really regret that workout session, we actually feel more regret by missing that chance to train or move. This can easily be a leisure walk, a yoga stretch session or a class or workout. So you can adapt your movement at the time. When we get moving, no matter how tired we are, movement actually gives us more energy, helps us de-stress, kicks in those feel good endorphins, improves our mood & loosens those tight muscles that cause more damage as we have been sitting down behind our desk most of the day. Another great way to get around this block is by moving and training in a way that you enjoy and have fun. This could be going with a friend, working with a professional or joining a fun class. Try different options and see which one suits you best to keep it up!


The third block you will face in the future is those nasty MIND MONKEYS telling us that we are not fit enough. We get a little intimidated or nervous especially with other people are around.

The fastest way to get around this block is to START SLOWLY. We learn to walk before we can run, so do the same with your fitness and hormonal balance journey. Take it one step at a time. Work in hand with a professional to guide you either by setting up a few one to one sessions with a personal trainer so you can get the right steps to posture, technique & like that the entire session is evolving around you as you build your fitness levels. Or else attend one of my 30 mins group classes. These are REST BASED sessions, they are catered with exercises for beginners or advanced, so you are challenged but free to stop and rest when you need to (not when the trainer tell you to). Like this you are in control of your session. As you progress the rest periods will get shorter and shorter. This method helps even better to balance out your hormones and keep you in fat burning mode for weight loss, even after the class is over for 48 hours!

I hope that you have found this helpful!

Feel free to check out our personal training packages & prices here:

Or our Group Class Schedule here which is available in studio, online from home or on-demand here:

I have gone through the exact same journey that you are on and these goal blockers can get so time-consuming to get around if you aren’t aware of them!

So be careful of these common “potholes” that you may fall into as you try to reach your weight loss goal!

Jump over these blocks. Let’s go!


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