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Are you a victim of the Quick Fix approach?


I have seen the Quick Fix approach stumble my subscribers again and again, so I thought about writing a quick email to ensure that none of you end up being an unwitting victim of this eat less, exercise more weight loss approach as it is a lot more complicated than it appears.

Here are 3 signs that you could be a victim of the quick fix syndrome.

First, you cut down on calories

If you find yourself cutting down on calories or counting all your calories, as a way of wanting to take control of your weight, then you have started with the eating less approach. You reduce your intake of food, deprive yourself from all the treats and drastically change your fat, protein and carbohydrate ratios. You load up on vegetables and low fat options in a bid to lower your own fat and weight. You might even succumb to the latest fad shakes or weight loss supplements to give you a kick start (you know all this is only for a short time until the scales go down right?)!

Second, you increase your exercise

Do you sign up to the nearest gym with a vow that you will go and train religiously before or after work. Pounding and pushing yourself on the same old boring cardio machines as you see the calorie counter number go up (whilst your motivation and energy go down)! Or perhaps you sign up to a hard core high intensity training group class because it promises super-fast results or because your friend or the latest Instagram influencer did it, so you think you can too!

Third, you step on the scales & feel the STRESS of it all rising!

You take a step on that bathroom scale daily or weekly, but with all the effort you have put in, all the deprivation, hunger and pushing through workouts (you might not even enjoy)…… the scale deflates you entirely as you do not see the number budge! You did all this sacrifice for a few weeks and wonder how long it is going to take, as you feel the stress of trying to keep up with everything for much longer extremely demotivating as you are not happy. Now you are even more lost and confused! You feel your body has let you down!

Are you a victim of the Quick Fix?

If you are, don’t worry. It is still not too late! You can still turn things around now.

All you have to do is first work on lowering your stress!

The LAST thing we want to do is increase our METABOLIC STRESS. This happens by cutting down on too many calories and trying to push ourselves through very high intensity exercise. Stress in the body = high Cortisol hormone levels, which in turn means FAT STORING mode in the body! So by lowering our stress levels in different ways through our lifestyle, we can lower our cortisol and find a balance, thus bringing our body back to an efficient fat burning mode again, so when we do make an effort with our food and exercise, we will see a much better result!

Of course, it is easier said than done, but it CAN be done. But keep in mind that it is our HORMONES that control our body functions and efficiency to lose weight.

I want to see you succeed, so I hope that this email has been useful in helping you identify if you are a victim of the quick fix!

If you are not a victim, congratulations and good for you!


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