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3 Toxic Myths You Believe About Weight Loss

Today, we'll cover the 3 toxic myths about weight loss that all MUST break away from in order to achieve their health & wellness goals.

Getting your mindset right is the #1 thing you have to conquer if you want to succeed in losing weight and changing shape. As the popular saying goes, "You are your worst enemy and best asset" ;-)

From serving many of my own clients from all walks of life over the last 15 years, I can tell you that the best and most successful customers are those with the right mindset and attitude, who have the right beliefs about losing weight.

It's myth-busters time, my friend! Time to re-align your perspectives and make things right :)

Myth #1: "Hormones don’t matter when it comes to weight loss’’

Hormones are chemicals produced by glands that are present in various places around the body. They travel through the bloodstream to get to organs and tissues and command their operations. Hormones are important in regulating major bodily processes. Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a certain hormone in the bloodstream.

So if there is a hormonal imbalance, then the body will not perform at its best and the metabolism can also be effected.

Processes such as; metabolism and appetite, heart rate, sleep cycles, general growth and development, mood and stress levels. These all have an impact on our weight, how we burn energy or how easily we lose weight.

Hormones are working ‘behind the scenes’ for us when it comes to losing weight. Once these are running smoothly, are balanced and performing well, then weight loss will be a lot easier.

Myth #2: "You can out train a bad diet’’

This is SO not true. Even if you exercise day and night, until you get the eating portion of the equation right, it’s unlikely that you will achieve your health and fat loss goals.

The food we eat can send the right or wrong signal to the body and also effect your insulin levels, which in turn effects your hormones. Too much insulin can also lead to diabetes and obesity. Again, eating the wrong foods can also lead to heart disease, cholesterol and high blood pressure down the line.

Myth #3: ‘’More equals better when it comes to exercise & cutting calories’’

I can totally understand why someone would believe in this as I’ve been there myself, plus we have been told this for decades that if we cut more calories and exercise more we are going to lose weight But I have seen time and again that this is not the case.

This method may work for a short period of time like a week or two, but it is not sustainable and does not work for a long term healthy lifestyle. Realistically, how long can you stay with this method.

The truth is, this will only lead to fatigue, burn out, more cravings, mood swings and can have a huge impact on effecting your hormones as well as your metabolism! Making your metabolism crash will only lead to further frustration down the line, as the metabolism will take time to recover once again, which can lead to even further weight gain.

Why is believing in these 3 myths problematic?

Because believing in these 3 myths will stop you from taking action the right action. Your confidence gets affected, you don't seek guidance, and subsequently, you don't transform your life as a result.

As someone who does health & fitness for a living, I have seen breakthrough after breakthrough and I know that is not difficult to lose weight, people just don't have the right guidance to succeed when it comes to hormonal balance.

I have personally had customers with a hormonal imbalance who still made it work, so I know that you can too!

Many people search for information online fruitlessly, and when that doesn't work, they give up. I don’t want you to give up because I can you can do this!

How else will there be so many females who have achieved what they wanted to achieve if it was so hard? So they are all perfect? No... they did it by applying the right strategies that I teach them through hormonal balance, fitness and weight loss and through pure hard work!

So take heart. You can do this! Don't for a second doubt yourself.

That's all I have for today!


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